The Final Invitation

The final call and invitation of God to all the people on this earth is to "Come out of Babylon". Unless and until we come out of Babylonian practices, we can't inherit His kingdom. We need to understand the signs of His coming, otherwise we may be deceived. We need to be prepared physically, mentally and spiritually.

The Final Invitation


13 Reward According to Deeds

Eternal blessings or punishment leading to death will be the result of each one who lives and have lived in the past as well during the second coming of Jesus.

12 The Way of the Second Coming

Today we will see the way and the signs of the second coming of Jesus.

11 Mark of God

There will be two mark at the end time from two types of churches. The mark of beast and the seal of God.

10 Types of Churches

There are so many different teaching of doctrines and church denominations. Today we will try to look at some of the difference between them and try to identify the truth.

09 Church and Tribulation

Today we will see if God's church can be faced with tribulations. If yes, we will see how the church can overcome it.

08 Investigation

Today we will look if investigation happens in heaven and also see everyone of can be observed at the same time.

07 Characteristics of Disciples

Today we will look at how the disciples were before they met Jesus and then we will compare it with how they became after they understood Christianity.

06 Christ's Disciples

Today we will look at how one can become a disciple for Jesus and we will also look at who all qualify to become disciples for Him.

05 Preparation of a Church

Today we will take a look into some of the preparations we need to put in before the second coming so that we can be ready to meet Jesus when He comes back.

04 False Prophets

There will be many who come in the name of the Lord in the last days as warned in Matthew 24:5. Do not get deceived.

03 Signs of the Second Coming

Today we will look at the signs that will warn us that it's almost time for the second coming. We will also see if they are happening right now.

02 Need for the Second Coming

Now that we know for whom the second coming is going to take place, let us now see the need for the same.

About the Show

The final call and invitation of God to all the people on this earth is to "Come out of Babylon". Unless and until we come out of Babylonian practices, we can't inherit His kingdom. We need to understand the signs of His coming, otherwise we may be deceived. We need to be prepared physically, mentally and spiritually.

Mrs. Sharon Grace Venna

Mrs. Sharon Grace Venna

The Final Invitation
Mrs. Sharon Grace Venna
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