Latest Episodes

13 Rejoicing in the Lord

Mokshanik Margam

13 Rejoicing in the Lord

Learn to rejoice and enjoy every situation including difficult times and God will guide you through.

Sermon 13

Revelation and Daniel

Sermon 13

The books of Daniel and Revelation focuses on prophecy regarding the various events that would happen at specified times. Join us with Pr. T.D. Fransis in this series to be able to understand how the future would be.

13 The Risen Lord

Telugu Sabbath School

13 The Risen Lord

The topics for this week include a discussion of the disciples’ experience in believing in Jesus Christ as the risen Lord.

12 Blessed Elizabeth Followed the Divine Commandments

By the grace of God, she gave birth to John by walking according to the duties of justice and being innocent and righteous in the sight of God.

12 Lord of Our Service

The Spiritual Life

12 Lord of Our Service

Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ provides the ultimate example of service. He reminds us that the Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many. As followers of Christ, we are called to serve in Jesus' name.

12 They the Sleep in the Lord are Blessed

Whoever follows Christ in this world often loose many things, facing various struggles for His namesake. They are blessed when Christ returns and raises the dead in Christ.

12 What to do with Doubts

When you get doubts in your life, analyse and see if it is leading you towards God and taking you astray.

Sermon 12

Revelation and Daniel

Sermon 12

The books of Daniel and Revelation focuses on prophecy regarding the various events that would happen at specified times. Join us with Pr. T.D. Fransis in this series to be able to understand how the future would be.