Telugu Sabbath School

Hope Sabbath School is a weekly in-depth interactive study of the Word of God.

Telugu Sabbath School


13 The Triumph of God’s Love

This week’s lesson wraps up our study, highlighting the final developments in the cosmic war between God and Satan.

12 Earth’s Closing Events

This week, we focus on several key elements of the end-time preparation of God’s people.

11 The Impending Conflict

Biblical prophecy forewarns that the long cosmic conflict between the two opposite, irreconcilable forces, God and the devil, is drawing to a close and will culminate in a final battle. This last battle will be over issues of authority and worship.

10 Spiritualism Exposed

Spiritualism is part of the devil’s scheme to promote the diabolical theory that we are gods and can live without God. Thus, spiritualism is the devil’s device to keep humanity on his side of the great controversy.

09 The Foundation of God’s Government

The law of God, which includes the Sabbath, is eternal and immutable because it represents God’s being, character, status as Creator and King of the universe, and His principles for life and relationships. The heavenly sanctuary is the seat of God’s government and of His salvation.

08 Light From the Sanctuary

Seventh-day Adventists realized that the doctrine of the heavenly sanctuary was not only an important biblical teaching but was the central tenet of a biblical theology that connected other doctrines.

07 Motivated by Hope

The “present truth” message as discovered by William Miller through a literal reading of Scripture focused on the hope in the soon appearing of the Messiah.

06 The Two Witnesses

This study centers on the foundational role, authority, and power of the Word of God in the great controversy. Specifically, we will focus our attention on the Word of God as represented by the two witnesses who preached in sackcloth for the prophetic period of 1,260 years.

05 Faith Against All Odds

The study this week highlights three central principles that characterize the great controversy.

04 Standing for the Truth

This week, we continue to witness the church’s stand on the side of God in the great controversy, throughout the periods of the Middle Ages and during the Reformation.

03 Light Shines in the Darkness

This week we watch as the apostolic, and the post-apostolic, church enters the great controversy between God and Satan.

02 The Central Issue: Love or Selfishness?

Jesus’ instruction in Matthew 24 clearly outlines last-day events in the context of Jerusalem’s fall.

About the Show

Hope Sabbath School is a weekly in-depth interactive study of the Word of God.

Telugu Sabbath School
Telugu Sabbath School
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